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Get Active!

Below are three tools to help you begin your activism journey!  All area available through both Google Docs or to Download.

F.I.G.H.T. - Guerilla Activism Training for a Reality TV World 

Our innovative five part training program is unlike any other activist training you've ever encountered. B!tches Get Stuff Done Founder, Heather Ryan, has a degree in Political Science, has been politically active since 1983 and was involved in the Reality TV world for ten years. Through this training and experience, Heather created the F.I.G.H.T. training program for progressive activists who are ready to update their activism to effect real change. 


Five ways to get active RIGHT NOW!

There is no time like the present to get active.  This document provides five simple ways to get active immediately and prepares you to begin your activist journey in earnest. 


Your Elected Official Tracker

This handy worksheet will help you keep track of your Federal, State and Local elected officials.  Though it is important to stay in contact with your federal representatives (Senators and Congress Member), your local elected officials effect your everyday life even more than those at the top of the food chain.  Print or download this document, fill it out and stay in contact with those who are elected to represent your wishes! 

Bitches Get Stuff Done PAC

PO Box 445 • Bondurant, IA 50035  


Contributions may be used for political purposes including supporting or opposing candidates and are therefor, not tax deductible.

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